Sample client for DEV only

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Our team is available 7:30am to 7:00pm, Monday to Friday.

We start working on enquiries made outside these hours first thing the next working day. Contact us here.
Resource Hub

A wealth of help and support for every aspect of your Work+Family life, all in one place.

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About you

First name
Mobile number

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Telephone number
Telephone number
Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
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Email option checkbox
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* Required information

Tell us about you and your family

Please select all the Life Stages relevant to you and your family. This allows us to show you the most useful content, and send you the most relevant newsletters. We've pre-ticked "Work+You" - we think it's handy for everyone!

You and your work

Checkbox manage people

From your chosen Life Stages, we think you'll benefit from the following

Would you like to use a Backup Care service?

Before you can book, we'll ask you later for more detail about you and your family.

Your permanent care arrangements

We can support you whether you're searching for the first time, or changing arrangements.

Maternity, adoption, and additional paternity leave

Manage your career from preparing to take leave, through to your return to work.

Manage parental leave in your team

We'll help you to help them have the best departure, leave, and return to work.

My leave type
- Choose leave type -
My leave date
Due date
My return date

Sample client for DEV only verification

Before you can use the Work+Family Space, our system will check that your email address is eligible.

Using the Work+Family Space
Terms and conditions
Privacy notice
and give express consent, should I make a care booking, for the personal data I provide, including relating to my children/dependants, to be passed to care providers as part of the booking process. I understand that my choice of care provider and some basic information regarding my use of this service will be provided to my employer.
Security code
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