What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"A fantastic service that helps relieve the stress of long school holidays. We do not have a local family support network so the fact that my employer offers this help is really appreciated. I have told lots and lots of friends about the service and mention it as an example of why my employer is a great place to work."

"Having access to this benefit is a great help and relieves the stress of childcare. My son really enjoys the sports club, it has introduced him to a number of different sports and activities that he would not get the opportunity to do otherwise."

"This was the first time my little girl attended a club, she's just 4 years old. She had a wonderful time and after a nervous start didn't want to come home and wanted to return the following day. We will certainly use this benefit again. Thanks to all the staff that looked after her for a full day."

"This is an amazing employee benefit - one of the most useful ones for me. This is the second year in a row that I've used this service while my nanny has been away and it's meant that I can go to work without having to take annual leave. I'm really grateful that my firm offers this benefit."

"There is a real benefit to having a service that can offer emergency care within 2 hours of making a request. For me it would be too expensive to otherwise use it therefore I feel very valued by the company."

"This was the first time my wife and I had left our son for a full day, and at 2 months old we were quite anxious about this. However the nanny that attended was extremely professional and by the time I had left the house I was feeling very much at ease. I popped home at lunch and our son was very happy, smiling lots and playing. This is an exceptional benefit that meant that I could fulfil my work commitments whilst also having the peace of mind that a professional and well qualified nanny was at home looking after our 2 month old son. I will definitely consider using this service again."