What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"This is a fantastic benefit allowing my twin boys to spend a full day outdoors on the water and in the woods. They came home buzzing. Having this childcare cover enables me to focus on work on the days that I am struggling with childcare provision."

"Knowing that my son is having a great time in a safe environment, allows me to concentrate better at my work and feel less guilty about having to work late during busy periods. It is an invaluable benefit that definitely plays an important part in increasing my loyalty and satisfaction."

"My daughter had chicken pox. If I didn't have the emergency childcare I would have had to take the day off and miss an important client meeting."

"Absolutely fantastic benefit! It's the first time that I've had a total childcare breakdown and it was such a relief to have a straightforward solution available to me. I will worry far less in future about childcare emergencies, knowing how well this worked."

"A brilliant service, as a family we would really struggle without the help provided to dad."

"The emergency childcare helped me continue working while I had the peace of mind my little one was fine and looked after. Without the service, I would have taken the day off. This benefit made me realise that the work-life balance my employer talks about really exists, and the company I work for is helping me to achieve it."