What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"It saved me hours of looking for information on my own and stop worrying about school application systems and missing deadlines. Now that I have more information I am able to structure a plan to work towards which will give me better focus at work for what I need to deliver."

"The emergency childcare is an amazing benefit and I find having this available for the random days that school closes and current childcare is not available if definitely makes life as a working mum a little easier."

"The expert provided an independent sounding board that was backed up by years of experience and insight. This was the most reassuring phone call I have had about decisions I'm making as a new parent and I'm truly grateful to have access to this service."

"As a single parent without the family support, I would have had no option but to take the time off to sit with my child during the chicken pox quarantine period. To be able to have someone come and sit with her at her own home while I carried on with my usual routine was invaluable."

"I received a call at work about a family matter and was quite distressed. I was advised to use the employee helpline and spoke to a few different people who all gave reassurance and eventually I was allocated to someone amazing. She gave me reassurance and practical advice which helped focus on work and see a way forward."

"School holiday cover is an excellent benefit, it allows me to be able to use my holidays for holidays rather than childcare cover."