What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"Very, very high standard, excellent service and the holiday club was very, very well run with kind, courteous, staff who made my Daughter feel welcome and at ease. The club ran numerous activities that my Daughter loved and cannot wait to go again."

"Great coaching, brilliant fun, made me as a parent feel secure that my daughter was safe and happy. My only improvement would be to let parents go to Kings Camp for a week of fun! "

"Wonderful, my daughter loved it, this is the first year we've had to cover school holidays and it's great to know next year won't be a problem, don't feel guilty being a working mum!! Will arrange holidays differently next year so I can book for longer."

"From an employee perspetive I cannot express strongly enough what a fantastic benefit this is. I have recently been seconded to a project so school holiday cover has allowed me to stay in work and focus on the issue rather than worrying about school holiday cover. It's also a bonus knowing that I can use my holidays to get time off with my child later in the year once I have completed my project - BIG thank you."

"I am thrilled with the experience I have had with this service. The fact that I could have a specific nursery registered that I knew and trusted made a massive difference to me. The whole process was easy and straight forward and I now know that if my family are unavailable I have a very reliable back up which means I don’t need to use my holidays to fill in those days."

"Once again this service meant that my work day was mostly undisrupted in dealing with last minute childcare arrangements."