What working parents and carers say...
We judge ourselves by the feedback we receive from you
"I needed a nanny while my nanny was on holiday - the service provided was excellent and professional."

"For a working parent this benefit is of real benefit. It makes covering school holidays completely stress free. The booking process is straight forward and the summer camp is run very well. More importantly my kids have had a great time and are already making requests about what they want to do at camp next year."

"Emergency Childcare provides you with a backup plan which is invaluable! Every time we have used the service we have had a fantastic nanny for the day who I am very confident leaving my son with and who have had a great time together! "

"I can't think of another way of getting decent childcare at short notice. Emergency Childcare is definitely a benefit I truly value."

"It's a high quality school holiday club and both of our children love going. This means that I have no difficulty getting them to pack their bags and get ready, or when dropping them off. I can then concentrate on my work for the day knowing that they are enjoying themselves and making new friends."

"Emergency Childcare provide an effortless and effecient service. There is a great choice and the nannies have always been friendly, very good with my children and respectful of my wishes. It's worth trying!"

"It gives you the peace of mind that you have a back up plan if your childcare arrangements don't go to plan"